
An Upside Down Education

Even though advances towards globalization and technology, education remains unchanged with 19th century objectives and old ethics. The current system is an injection with an expired date.

From the cocoon, a butterfly must emerge and change beings with thought. Indeed, we want metamorphosis in education.

Present education is a barren field, rife with possibilities who wish to make a difference. We need an upside-down education in which we reorganize the priorities more or less in the opposite direction to what we have been in the past.

For Example:

  • Making preschool education is more important than senior school education today.
  • Instead of competition with others, make the premise of education and educational assessment competition with oneself.
  • Instead of teaching class dynamics, think of addressing the child's individual needs and engaging them effectively and differently.
  • Instead of viewing schools as providers of content, see them as providers of service.
  • Teacher dominated classroom to teacher-facilitated.
  • Instead of keeping parents out of the door, embrace the effective involvement of both parents and the community.

JPS is Emphasizing the following Building blocks for 21st Education

  1. Universal values: Values are spiritual qualities, virtues and values that we nurture in our children.
  2. Global understanding: It's about creating a love for other human beings and all living things. Helping children to recognise the preciousness of life and taking them beyond the narrow confines of life such as caste, religion, colour, country etc.,
  3. Excellence in all: It is teaching children to do their best and to be their best. Helping them to recognise their potential to become a successful member of family, society and the world.
  4. Service to humanity: It aims to develop in students a spirit of open-mindedness to understand the world around and to grow as a dutiful citizen.
  5. Service to humanity